Public Speaking

Debate & Speech

Debate & Speech

I never left the opportunity to take part in an activity which was related to public speaking. Effective public speaking can help with career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise, and professionalism. Speaking at events and conferences is a good way of building credibility.

One of the best ways to improve your public skills along with your debate skills is through MUNs. I have participated in 2 MUNs so far and I will be doing a third one, Podar Summit 2022-23 on the 5th and 6th of November.

June 2021

Podar Summit 2021

Delegate of Doordarshan channel in "Ministry of Information and Broadcasting", addressing the grievances of the entertainment industry due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.



I had been selected for my English speech by Charlie Chaplin from the movie “The Great Dictator”. It was the final speech he gave at the end of the movie. It was an extraordinary experience. I got acknowledged by all my teachers, who personally appreciated me through their lovely words, on WhatsApp.

Dec 2021

Techfest World MUN

Delegate of Panama in "United Nation Women’s Committee," discussing the situation of women in Afghanistan.

Nov 2022

Podar Summit 2022

In November 2022, I took part in the Podar Summit MUN at R. N. Podar School, representing the Minister of Labor in the "American Presidential Cabinet" committee. We tackled the intense scenario of dealing with the aftermath of the first Purge Night, where I focused on the impact on labor rights, job security, and social welfare. This role challenged me to think critically about ethical governance and the protection of civil liberties. It was a great experience that sharpened my skills in diplomacy, public speaking, and managing high-pressure situations.